Yuni Arnida
Writing 1
Draft 3
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Most of the girls in the world definite like a cute doll. They love it if there is somebody give a doll for them in their birthday or special day. It is better if we can make it by ourselves. It can establish that we really love them.
For making a doll we need some materials for make it. The materials can we find easily. The materials are flannels (it is up to you to choose the colors that you like), cotton, thread ( appropriate with flannels color), scissors, a doll pattern, glue and beaded.
There are some steps to make it. First, make a doll pattern on the flannels by pencil or pen, it will help you to cut it with scissors, do not too close cut it with the line but you can increase little bit, that part is location to sewing.
Second, shears flannels appropriate the pattern that you have to make it, shears as many as two part. One for the face part and other one for back.
Third, sewing the flannels with thread, do not forget to fit the thread with the flannels color that you choose. It will make your doll more interesting. Sewing for a half part from the flannels.
Fourth, enter the cotton into the flannels until full. It is useful to make your doll more capacity. Then, continue sewing until finish. In this part, your doll almost finishes.
Finally, add beaded like eyes,a nose,a lips, hair and clothes. Beside beaded, you can make decoration by flannels too, for example you can make a lips use the red flannels. You just make “V” and then you patch.
Your doll is finished. It turns out, it is easy to make a doll by flannels and cheaper consideration you buy a doll in the shop. You can make it and sell it. Then, you will get much money from that.
Hi Yuni,..
BalasHapusYour essay is good enough.
I'm interested about it,.
Look at second paragraph line 2.
"(it is up to you to choose the colors that you like)"
I think it's mubazir.
I think it's good to you to add more sentences in the conclusion.
I think that's all,.
Keep Writing :)
NB : do not forget to give your comment on my blog. Thanks,.
haii yunii..
BalasHapusyour essay is good,
but look at:
in paragraph 1 you write "They love it if there is somebody give a doll for them in their birthday or special day"
so if nobody give a doll in their birthday or special day, the girls doesn't like it..??
and in paragraph 2 line 1
you wrire "For making a doll we need some materials for make it"
it is better to to write "we need some material to make it"
that's all
please give commant on my blog..
BalasHapusyour essay is interesting me and i like your essay but i've some comments for your essay.
firstly, I agree with Ami for the sentence in in paragraph 2 line 1 (For making a doll we need some materials for make it)
but i'll suggest you to change it become "For making a doll we need some materials to make it".
then, in paragraph 3 line 2 (do not too close cut it with the line but you can increase little bit)
it is better for u to change "with" with "from"..
Ok. i think thats all..
may these good comments for you..
yuunnii Sara........
BalasHapusso far your essay is good enough,,
but do not use Indonesian style.
look at this sentence"For making a doll we need some materials for make it"
it better for you to change it by "we need some materials to make it"
just that,,
keep practice!!!!!
BalasHapusI think your essay is very interesting, you can tell how on how to make dolls. especially for us women.
I think you should be adding many more ideas in your essay this.
I think your conclusion is too short.
keep writing :)
in paragraph 3 only have one long sentence...
BalasHapusactually one paragraph containing of some sentences...
your essay is good enough but maybe the process still make me confuse...
just make it more simple but clear...
thanks, that's all from me...
don't forget to comment my blog too..
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